Skin Cancer Surgery in Newcastle

Skin Cancer Surgery

If you are looking for skin cancer surgery then our specialist Dermatologists are able to provide you with sound advice and excellent operating skills.

Most small skin cancers are removed in a minor operation called an excision. It is generally carried out using a local anaesthetic and you can go home on the same day. The surgeon or dermatologist will remove the cancer and some normal-looking skin around it.

Skin Cancer Removal

How easy is it to remove skin cancer?

Mohs surgery, though, is the single most effective technique for completely removing the most common kinds of skin cancer. Because the surgery can be accomplished relatively quickly with instant feedback on the success of removing the cancerous cells, the procedure brings many people peace of mind.

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How painful is skin cancer surgery?

Usually, Mohs surgery and excisional surgery are not very painful. Certain areas of the body (such as the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and around the nose and mouth) can be more sensitive than other areas of the body when it comes to injecting a local anesthesia.

Skin Cancer Surgery FAQ's

For those who have had a skin cancer and have completed treatment, the thought of it returning is something nobody wants to think about. But it’s also a possibility that you need to be prepared for. Skin cancer coming back can happen in the same location as the original instance, or it could be somewhere else.

During Mohs surgery, your doctor removes the skin growth layer by layer, examining each layer under the microscope, until no abnormal cells remain. This procedure allows cancerous cells to be removed without taking an excessive amount of surrounding healthy skin.

Most wounds take 1 to 3 weeks to heal. If a large area of skin was removed, you may have a skin graft. In that case, healing may take longer. Some soreness around the site of the wound is normal.

You usually have your skin cancer operation as a day patient. You might be awake for the surgery and have a medicine to numb the area (local anaesthetic). But for larger operations, you might have a general anaesthetic and be asleep for the operation.
Wound Care Post – Skin Cancer Removal
  • Remove the dress­ing about 24 hours after surgery.
  • Wash with clean soapy water. (While you should nev­er soak a fresh wound, it is okay to shower.)
  • Pat dry care­ful­ly. (Don’t rub.)
  • Apply antibi­ot­ic oint­ments and any oth­er med­ica­tions your doc­tor gave you.
  • Lim­it your activ­i­ties. Don’t stretch and pull around the wound. Give the wound a chance to heal by lim­it­ing your phys­i­cal activ­i­ties for about two weeks.
  • Keep the wound moist. Dry wounds heal slow­ly, and they tend to scar more, so be sure to keep your wound well moisturised.
  • Pro­tect your scar. Scarred skin is more sus­cep­ti­ble to dam­age from the sun, so be sure to apply sun­screen lib­er­al­ly for about six months after surgery.
  • Fol­low all of your doctor’s instructions.

While most skin can­cer removal surg­eries are con­duct­ed with no prob­lems, it is impor­tant to watch out for bleed­ing and infec­tion to ensure a safe out­come. If you notice that your wound is bleed­ing or it is becom­ing red, swelling, or show­ing oth­er signs of infec­tion, call your our team right away.

Skin Cancer Surgery in Newcastle

Book your skin cancer surgery consultation today

Our talented team of beauty therapists live and breathes customer satisfaction.

Book your skin cancer surgery today and come in for an unforgettable experience. We can’t wait to meet you!

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